Прикольные поздравления и пожелания в стихах и прозе

Поздравления с днем рождения на английском языке прикольные в стихах и прозе

Pozdravchik.Ru - портал, на котором собраны поздравления с днем рождения и с юбилеем.
Представлены поздравления Свадебные, со свадьбой, с Годовщиной свадьбы. Также родным, близким, коллегам и любимому начальству в фирме, по имени женщине, мужчине. Не обделены вниманием праздники: поздравления с профессиональными праздниками, с Новым Годом, Рождеством, Крещением, 14 февраля - День Святого Валентина, 23 февраля - День Защитников Отечества, 8 Марта, с Пасхой, Масленицей, с 1 мая - День весны и труда, с 9 мая (День Победы). Особое внимание уделено учителям, врачам - медикам.

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I first learned to smile
because you shared your happiness
I first learned to listen
because you taught humble patience
I first learned to love
because you always loved me
I first learned to be a friend
because you were one to me.


Today is your day,
you're on your way,
no longer a girl
and almost a young lady.
Today is the start
of a wonderous journey
of learning and growing
and beautiful discovery.
Growing up into the grown world,
never forget who you are
or where you come from,
your past will also be part of your future.
Today you are a teen,
Happy Birthday to You.


On your Birthday
Many Words To Say
Many feelings to show
Many pictures to draw
I need to be there by your side
So i can hear your heartbeats when your wishing
To feel your breath when your blowing
To let you taste how sweet the cake is giving
To take you aside and give you a kiss under the light
So i can see you smile after that
And say that you have never had sweeter than that
To take my hand and move around
Talk to people and laugh around
To dance alone when people are gone
To sleep in your arms and feel safe
So I'll Be There every year
TO Let You Have The Best Bday You've Ever Seen


Happy birthday! Have an enjoyable holiday!


You have a date to celebrate
Which comes but once a year
And so today we’d like to say
From all of us to you:
Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you!


Everything's been different,
All the day long.
Lovely things have happened,
Nothing has gone wrong.
Nobody has scolded me,
Everyone has smiled.
Isn't it delicious
To be a birthday child?


In soft gleaming night of stars,
May all your dreams come true.
May every star of every night,
Bring love and joy to you.
Happy Birthday to you.


Here s wishing that your Birthday
Is just as special as you
A day packed full of happiness
That will last th whole year through.
Happy Birthday to you!!!


How do I begin to tell you how honoured I am
To have you in my life?
I'll start by saying it was a dream come true
The day I became your wife.
You're my best friend in the good times
And my rock in times of sorrow.
You're the reason for sweet yesterdays
And my promise for tomorrow.
I never thought I could feel this loved
Until I became your wife.
You made this year and each other year
The best of my life.
Love always,
Your son and wife!


A time of the door
Breath the air by yourself nose
Touch the air by yourself hand
Sound the air by yourself voice
A time of the door
Feel the happiness by yourself heart
Feel the sadness by yourself heart
Feel the tears by yourself eyes
Life Life harder
Live Live longer
Love Love bigger!

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